
Image description: The Friendship 7 space capsule passes by an elephant on a parade in Ceylon, Sri Lanka in 1962. John Glenn circled the Earth three times in the Friendship 7, and afterwards the craft circled the globe again as it represented the United States in a 30-city tour. About 4 million people in all saw the capsule during the Cold War-era foreign relations effort. Read more about the tour.
Photo from the National Air and Space Museum Archives

Image description: The Friendship 7 space capsule passes by an elephant on a parade in Ceylon, Sri Lanka in 1962. John Glenn circled the Earth three times in the Friendship 7, and afterwards the craft circled the globe again as it represented the United States in a 30-city tour. About 4 million people in all saw the capsule during the Cold War-era foreign relations effort. Read more about the tour.

Photo from the National Air and Space Museum Archives

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