
Image description: This infographic shows how to correctly install your child’s safety seat to help prevent injury in the event of an accident.
Motor vehicle crashes are the leading cause of death for children 1 through 12 years old, according to data from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. On average, nearly two children were killed and 325 were injured each day. These numbers could be drastically reduced by using proper child safety seats.
You can learn how to choose the correct safety seat and how to properly install it at NHTSA’s new website, You will find how-to videos, recall information and ease-of-use ratings.
If you need help properly installing your child’s safety seat, you can find local certified child passenger safety technicians to answer your questions.
Image from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration

Image description: This infographic shows how to correctly install your child’s safety seat to help prevent injury in the event of an accident.

Motor vehicle crashes are the leading cause of death for children 1 through 12 years old, according to data from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. On average, nearly two children were killed and 325 were injured each day. These numbers could be drastically reduced by using proper child safety seats.

You can learn how to choose the correct safety seat and how to properly install it at NHTSA’s new website, You will find how-to videos, recall information and ease-of-use ratings.

If you need help properly installing your child’s safety seat, you can find local certified child passenger safety technicians to answer your questions.

Image from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration

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