
Image description: The Pacific Fisher.
Fishers have long, slender bodies with muscular, short legs similar to their cousins — weasel, mink, marten, and otter. Their thick, grayish-brown to brownish-black glossy fur tends to be darker on females. White-tipped hairs on the older fisher give a grizzled appearance. This forest carnivore has strong claws for climbing and a long, bushy, black, tapered tail. The also have five toes on each foot and semi-retractable claws which contribute to their ability to climb trees. Males average 4-12 pounds, about twice the size of females.
See more photos from the Pacific Southwest Region of the U.S. Forest Service on Flickr.

Image description: The Pacific Fisher.

Fishers have long, slender bodies with muscular, short legs similar to their cousins — weasel, mink, marten, and otter. Their thick, grayish-brown to brownish-black glossy fur tends to be darker on females. White-tipped hairs on the older fisher give a grizzled appearance. This forest carnivore has strong claws for climbing and a long, bushy, black, tapered tail. The also have five toes on each foot and semi-retractable claws which contribute to their ability to climb trees. Males average 4-12 pounds, about twice the size of females.

See more photos from the Pacific Southwest Region of the U.S. Forest Service on Flickr.

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