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Diabetes heart-healthy tips

To learn more about diabetes, browse any of the topics below.

About Diabetes
The body is an interdependent network. When the pancreas does not produce enough insulin or this hormone does not work efficiently, the body's cells starve for energy. Learn more about diabetes.
Why Diabetes Matters
Heart disease and stroke are the No. 1 causes of death and disability among people with type 2 diabetes. There are plenty of reasons to take steps to prevent and manage diabetes.
Understand Your Risk for Diabetes
Family history, race/ethnicity, and age can increase your risk for diabetes, but are beyond your control. Eliminate modifiable risks like being overweight/obese or physically inactive to improve your odds against the disease.
Symptoms, Diagnosis & Monitoring of Diabetes
Many people have diabetes and do not even know it. Meanwhile, the disease is causing damage to the body. Diabetes can only be diagnosed by a health care provider, so see your doctor regularly.
Prevention & Treatment of Diabetes
Adopting a healthy lifestyle is a critical part of preventing or delaying the onset of diabetes and, for those already diagnosed with the disease, keeping it under control. In some cases, medications may be part of the treatment plan.
Diabetes Tools & Resources
From personal stories to delicious recipes, quizzes and tools to help you monitor your blood glucose, blood pressure, cholesterol, medications and more, there's a weath of information in store for you.

Diabetes-Friendly Recipes Man And Woman In The Kitchen Cooking

We've gathered some tasty recipes to satisfy your cravings - sweet, savory or somewhere in between. Our online recipe collection has got you covered.
My Diabetes Health Assessment My Diabetes Health Assessment Widget Image

Having type 2 diabetes greatly increases your risk of having a heart attack or stroke as well as other health complications. Learn your 10-year risk and ways you can lower it.
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