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To learn more about high blood pressure or hypertension, browse any of the topics below.

Number One Graphic TextAbout High Blood Pressure (HBP)  Red Arrow
Arm yourself with the knowledge you need. By keeping your numbers low, you are protecting yourself and those you love from the "silent killer's" serious consequences.
Number Two Graphic TextWhy HBP Matters  Red Arrow
Untreated high blood pressure can damage and weaken your arteries. Find out how this process causes serious health consequences and what you can do to prevent them.
Number Three Graphic TextYour Risk for HBP  Red Arrow
Some people are at higher risk of developing HBP because of gender, age or race. Find out your level of risk and learn about the factors you can control to stay healthy.
Number Four Graphic TextSymptoms, Diagnosis & Monitoring of HBP Red Arrow
The test is simple and the results are critical, especially if your numbers are high. Find out about receiving an accurate diagnosis and learn to monitor your numbers.
Number Five Graphic TextPrevention & Treatment of HBP  Red Arrow
Good news! High blood pressure is manageable. Find out what you can do to enjoy wellness and live at your healthiest potential.

Monthly Update Red Arrow
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News  Red Arrow
Here's where you can find the latest news regarding blood pressure, treatment, research, science and programs.


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    Merck Sponsor Logo

    Coricidin® HBP, product of Merck, is a proud sponsor of the American Heart Association High Blood Pressure web content area. Learn more about Merck.

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