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HUD   >   Program Offices   >   Community Planning and Development   >   CPD Laws and Regulations


CPD Laws and Regulations

The Office of Community Planning and Development contains many sections relating to various laws, regulations, waivers and other legal documents. The list below provides the essential laws and regulation links, listed alphabetically, that relate to each division of CPD.

Affordable Housing

 - Federal Requirements
 - Laws
 - Notices
 - Regulations
 - Waivers

Community  Development

 - Laws
 - Memoranda
 - Regulations

Economic Development

 - Laws
 - EDI/BEDI Laws
 - Regulations
 - EDI/BEDI Regulations
 - Section 4


 - Laws
 - Regulations


 - Laws
 - Regulations

HIV/AIDS Housing

 - HOPWA Regulations
 - HOPWA Waiver Request Summaries
 - HOPWA Notices

Homeless  Assistance

 - Laws Federal Regulations

Consolidated Planning

 - Laws
 - Federal Regulations