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EPA Records Schedule 095

Status: Final, 09/30/2008

Title: Web Sites

Program: All Programs

Applicability: Agency-wide

Function: 305-109-02-03 - Provide Public and Agency Web Access

NARA Disposal Authority:

This schedule authorizes the disposition of the record copy in any media (media neutral), excluding any records already in electronic form. Records designated for permanent retention must be transferred to the National Archives in accordance with NARA standards at the time of transfer.


The EPA Web site is a resource providing information about EPA, providing services to the public or internal employees and contractors, and supporting the mission of Agency programs. The Web site is also used to distribute software programs, models, and textual, video, sound or image files.

This schedule covers records such as software used to maintain the site, the content on the site, site management documentation, and backend systems that are not covered by other schedules. It applies to the Internet, intranet, extranet and portals.

Web content records are covered by the applicable records schedules for the functions they support; e.g., Web pages related to Superfund remedial sites are covered by EPA 014. If the Web content records are unique and not covered by existing schedules, they must be scheduled separately.

Disposition Instructions:

Item a: System software and documentation

Includes software used for creating and maintaining the site.

Item b: Site management and operations

Includes reports, statistics, procedures and approvals.

Item c: Log files

Includes unprocessed log files, application logs, and similar files.

Item d: Web content - not unique

Includes markup language, code, textual and audiovisual files, contextual hyperlinks, and content from backend systems used to generate static or dynamic content on the site(s), as well as screen captures and site snapshots, when the record copy is captured elsewhere.

Item e: Web content - unique

Includes markup language, code, textual and audiovisual files, contextual hyperlinks, and content from backend systems used to generate static or dynamic content on the site(s), as well as screen captures and site snapshots, when the record copy is not captured elsewhere.


Web content records documenting EPA's operations, decisions, and actions that are needed to protect the legal and financial rights of the government and the public must be captured in a recordkeeping system and retained in accordance with the applicable records schedules. If the Web content records are unique and not covered by existing schedules, program offices must contact the NRMP to prepare a records schedule. Additional guidance on managing Web records is available at: (URL to be added).

Organizations need to pay particular attention to Web content with potential regulatory, enforcement or other legal impact, as well as events of historical significance (e.g., World Trade Center, Hurricane Katrina). For example, if an organization is offering guidance to the regulated community, it needs to retain a complete record in its recordkeeping system of what that guidance was, how long it was posted and URLs referenced by hyperlinks.

Changes to the Web content records, such as major additions or deletions that might affect decisions or actions by the public or regulated community are covered under item d or e. Documentation on minor editorial or non-substantive changes (e.g., correcting typographical errors) may not need to be kept, depending upon a risk analysis. More information on assessing records management risks associated with Web sites can be found in NARA's guidance at: http://www.archives.gov/records-mgmt/policy/managing-web-records.html.

This schedule also covers podcasts, streaming media, and other popular forms of transmission.

See EPA 094 for electronic bulletin boards and other collaborative technologies such as blogs and wikis. Records related to policy on site management are covered by EPA 007.

Reasons for Disposition:

The proposed retention meets EPA's administrative needs. Unique Web content that meets the definition of a record and is not covered by an existing schedule will be scheduled separately.


Multiple units

Related Schedules:

EPA 007, EPA 094

Previous NARA Disposal Authority:

Entry: 10/29/1996

EPA Approval: 03/26/2007

NARA Approval: 09/10/2008

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