Tenga o no seguro médico en este momento, las reformas que estamos procurando le darán la estabilidad y seguridad que no tiene hoy en día. No es cuestión de política. Se trata de la vida de la gente. Se trata de sus empresas. Se trata de nuestro futuro. - Presidente Barack Obama

Take the "What's In Reform for You" Quiz

Just answer a few simple questions and the quiz will tell you the ways in which somebody like you will benefit.

Do you have insurance?
Are you male or female?
What is your age range?
Do you have children?
Do you have a long-term condition or disability?
Do you work for a small business?
Are you a veteran?
Are you considering changing employers at some point in the future?
Are you self-employed?
Have you or others in your family been seriously ill?
Have you ever had trouble renewing your insurance?
Do you think that your premiums are rising too fast?
Do you think your out of pocket expenses, co-pays or deductibles have gotten out of hand?

The White House will not retain or store any of the information volunteered through this quiz.