Jacox Recognized for Lifelong Contributions to Molecular Spectroscopy

Dr. Marilyn Jacox, NIST Fellow and Scientist Emeritus in the Optical Technology Division, was invited to write the prefatory chapter for the recently published, 2010 Volume of Annual Review of Physical Chemistry. With this honor, the Editorial Committee recognized Dr. Jacox for her contributions to molecular spectroscopy, particularly her numerous discoveries of free radicals and molecular ions by matrix isolation spectroscopy and her pioneering work on the vibrational spectroscopy of gas-phase transient species.

In her chapter, Dr. Jacox recalls her childhood fascination with light and astronomy that would ultimately lead her to pursue chemistry degrees at Utica College and Cornell University. She then recalls her early research career at the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill and the Mellon Institute of Industrial Research in Pittsburgh, PA, and her eventual appointment at the National Bureau of Standards (NBS) in Washington, DC. The story of her research recalls many fruitful collaborations, anecdotes, research successes, and the development of the database, Vibrational and Electronic Energy Levels of Small Polyatomic Transient Molecules (VEEL), which has been incorporated into the NIST Chemistry WebBook.

To read more about Dr. Jacox’s career, see On Walking in the Footprints of Giants.

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Marilyn Jacox



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