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Identity, Credential, and Access Management Office (ICAMO)


GSA employees and contractors value working in an environment where their information and identities are protected. The Identity, Credential, and Access Management Office (ICAMO) was originally established to help GSA comply with the Homeland Security Presidential Directive - 12 (HSPD-12). This directive requires that all federal agencies adopt common, reliable and interoperable identification standards for employees and contractors. ICAMO safeguards GSA assets by ensuring that all GSA personnel obtain Personal Identity Verification (PIV) credentials, and by developing enterprisewide, compliant, identity solutions. GSA has branded the PIV credential it issues to its employees and contractors as the ‘GSA Access Card.’

ICAMO works to:

1.  Help employees obtain GSA Access Cards;

2.  Help contractors obtain GSA Access Cards;

3.  Develop efficient systems for improving logical (network and system) and physical (building) access to federal assets, including:

GSA Credential and Identity Management System (GCIMS): GCIMS is a Web database that provides authoritative information on GSA personnel, work locations and credentials. The easy-to-use GCIMS database streamlines the management and tracking of the background investigation and credentialing process and serves as a repository for personnel information. Outside of Central Office ICAMO users, there are more than 300 privileged users logging in from various GSA regions nationwide, with new users gaining access daily.

Physical Access System (PACS): The ICAMO is working with PBS to ensure that individuals accessing GSA facilities, both at the perimeter and at certain internal areas, have been properly cleared, authorized and credentialed to do so. The most apparent application of the program is the issuance of the GSA Access Card and the underlying certification process. The GSA Access Card process supports an agencywide consistency in application of Physical Access Standards. The program is consistently under review and development as the GSA and federal standards that govern access are developed, implemented or revised. The program’s dynamic nature is also driven by technology as hardware and software are upgraded and protocols are advanced.

GSA Access Management System (GAMS): GAMS is a Logical Access Control System (LACS) that enables GSA employees and contractors to log into to their computers at GSA work locations or remotely through VPN using their GSA Access Card. The aim is a Single Sign-On system which simplifies computer access by creating a universal authentication mechanism that greatly enhances security.  GAMS will start integrating applications in FY 2011.


credentials, personnel cards, ID