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Staff and Contractors

Officials from the Energy Department and NORESCO cut the ribbon at the new chiller plant in the Forrestal building. The chiller is expected to save $600,000 per year from the Department's energy bills.

Officials from the Energy Department and NORESCO cut the ribbon at the new chiller plant in the Forrestal building. The chiller is expected to save $600,000 per year from the Department's energy bills.

Energy Department’s Data Director Named Presidential Innovation Fellow
The Presidential Innovation Fellows being sworn in today. | Photo courtesy of the Office of Science and Technology Policy.

Today U.S. Chief Technology Officer Todd Park announced the first class of 18 Presidential Innovation Fellows, and Ian Kalin, the Energy Department’s Director of the Energy Data Initiative was among them.

Energy Department Lab Researcher Wins HENAAC Award for Outstanding Achievement
Alex­andra “Ale” Hakala is an award-winning geoscientist at DOE’s National Energy Technology Laboratory. | Photo from the National Energy Technology Laboratory.

One of the Energy Department's own talented scientists is recognized with a Great Minds in STEM award.

Powering Curiosity: Lab Tech Goes to Mars
One of the first images taken by NASA's Curiosity rover was taken on the left-rear side of the rover looking directly into the sun. | Photo courtesy of NASA/JPL-Caltech.

Today marks the beginning of Curiosity's two-year mission on the Martian surface to determine whether our neighboring Red Planet supports life now or has in the past.