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Navigate Up - Track the Money is the U.S. government's official website that provides easy access to data
related to Recovery Act spending and allows for the reporting of potential fraud, waste, and abuse.

The Recovery Accountability and Transparency Board

 The Board

The Recovery Accountability and Transparency Board is a non-partisan, non-political agency created by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 with two goals:

  • To provide transparency of Recovery-related funds
  • To detect and prevent fraud, waste, and mismanagement

Kathleen S. TIghe was appointed Chair of the Board by President Obama in December 2011. Eleven Inspectors General from various federal agencies serve with her.  Tighe replaced Earl E. Devaney, who retired.

The Board manages, as well as and

Per the Recovery Act, the Board -- with,, and -- sunsets on September 30, 2013.

Mission Statement

To promote accountability by coordinating and conducting oversight of Recovery funds to prevent fraud, waste, and abuse and to foster transparency on Recovery spending by providing the public with accurate, user-friendly information.