U.S. Senator Barbara A. Mikulski
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U.S. Senator Barbara A. Mikulski

U.S. Senator Barbara A. Mikulski
3,986 likes · 236 talking about this

  1. Today I met with students at Northwestern High in Baltimore & discussed the importance of civic engagement & voting with student reporters.
    Photo: Today I met with students at Northwestern High in Baltimore & discussed the importance of civic engagement & voting with student reporters.
  2. Recent Posts by OthersSee All
    • Jan Flora
       I didn't realize that U.S. Senator Barbara A. Mikulski is so short! She sure swings a big stick in the Senate. Her floor speeches kick butt : )
      721 · 4 hours ago
    •  Stephen Rosenberg's Photos
      November 2 at 4:23pm
    • I have a question for you Senator Mikulski<<,When a person responds back to you in letter form do you actually check to see if the facts are correct? WELL in this case you didn't, as the VA on Green St, Baltimore Lied to you on a patient progress, So you say your for Veterans then step up and help them mean and woman who sadly need your help, As the letter which we now have in our possession, None of it is true,,,as we have the corresponding medical records to go with said patient, We await your response to this as to why you took the answer for gospel, <<< On then again maybe you should really remember why you took this office.
      1 · November 2 at 11:40am
    •  Senator, I want to inform you about the painkillers Darvon & Darvocet. Please read my message http://bit.ly/YrZBEO
      November 2 at 2:07am
  3. So glad to meet with Daniel Borowy and family today and to see he's getting better after Perry Hall tragedy. He's a remarkable young man.

    I brought along a get well soon letter from Mrs. Obama & Bo, and then made him an honorary Senator. Thanks for the great visit, Daniel!
    Photo: So glad to meet with Daniel Borowy and family today and to see he's getting better after Perry Hall tragedy. He's a remarkable young man. 

I brought along a get well soon letter from Mrs. Obama & Bo, and then made him an honorary Senator. Thanks for the great visit, Daniel!
  4. Hurricane Sandy has the potential to be a big and dangerous storm for Mid-Atlantic states and Maryland. I am monitoring its path and possible impact on Maryland and other coastal states.

    I am in communication with Maryland's Congressional ...
    Delegation and Governor O'Malley to make sure that Maryland has the federal support and resources it needs to respond to this emergency. I urge all Marylanders to listen to their local officials and first responders and be prepared for this storm.
    See More
  5. Today I told Senate leaders that Social Security didn't create our deficit & cutting Social Security won't fix it. It is a social contract with our seniors that must be kept undeniable, reliable and inflation proof. Chained CPI would lower Social Security cost of living adjustments, costing seniors on fixed incomes thousands.
  6. Today Metro unveiled their new 7000 series cars, the next generation of safer cars to ride the rails of Washington's Metro. For all that Metro does to keep government running, get people to work and get cars off the road, these new cars are an investment in Metro safety.

    I have fought each year to keep safety on track on America's Subway. I will not rest until Metro is safe for those who work on it and those who ride on it.

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