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related to Recovery Act spending and allows for the reporting of potential fraud, waste, and abuse.

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Results Summary
Total Awards
Total Prime Recipient Award Amount
Number of Awards
Total Sub Recipient Award Amount
Number of Awards
Total Vendor Award Amount
Number of Awards
58,501 Contracts
217,013 Grants
1,955 Loans
RowNumbersortRecipient (DUNS)sortAward #
sortOrder # Sorted Ascending
sortAward TypeAward
sortRecipient Role
1 CNMI DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND CULTURAL AFFAIRS (DCCA) (854586119) 09AAMPC1RR Department of Health and Human Services Grants $40,625.00 $40,625.00 Prime
2 COMMONWEALTH UTILITIES CORPORATION (854851177) 69926201 Environmental Protection Agency Grants $350,000.00 $350,000.00 Prime
3 BMP VENTURES, INC. (DUNS Not Available) 57-020-200479474 Department of Agriculture Loans $177,133.74 Vendor
4 ENGINEERING SOLUTIONS, INC. (948421805) C8078080173 Department of the Interior Contracts $42,799.00 $10,776.00 Prime
5 CNMI DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND CULTURAL AFFAIRS (DCCA) (854856119) 0901MPCOS2 Department of Health and Human Services Grants $770,658.00 $770,658.00 Prime
6 COMMONWEALTH PORTS AUTHORITY (854850682) 3-69-0002-060-2009 Department of Transportation Grants $5,000,000.00 $5,000,000.00 Prime
7 CNMI PUBLIC SCHOOL SYSTEM (854854544) 09SE0249 Department of Health and Human Services Grants $205,290.00 $205,290.00 Prime
8 COMMONWEALTH UTILITIES CORPORATION (854851177) 69926301 Environmental Protection Agency Grants $1,101,700.00 $1,101,700.00 Prime
9 COMMONWEALTH OF THE NORTHERN MARIANA ISLANDS (854854986) 00T32709 Environmental Protection Agency Grants $200,000.00 $200,000.00 Prime
10 CNMI PUBLIC SCHOOL SYSTEM (854854544) MP-96-X001-00 Department of Transportation Grants $1,061,782.00 $1,061,782.00 Prime
11 CNMI PUBLIC SCHOOL SYSTEM (854854544) H391A090106 Department of Education Grants $174,906.00 $174,906.00 Prime
12 CNMI PUBLIC SCHOOL SYSTEM (854854544) H393A090025 Department of Education Grants $16,323.00 $16,323.00 Prime
13 GOVERNMENT OF THE NORTHERN MARIANA ISLANDS (855025573) H390A090078 Department of Education Grants $270,196.00 $270,196.00 Prime
14 COMMONWEALTH OF THE NORTHERN MARIANA ISLANDS (854854986) 00T06401 Environmental Protection Agency Grants $57,000.00 $57,000.00 Prime
15 LATTE STONES FOUNDATION (854857588) MP-00-03 Department of Agriculture Contracts $47,499.00 $47,499.00 Prime
16 COMMONWEALTH OF THE NORTHERN MARIANA ISLANDS (854854986) AA-17160-08-55-A-69 Department of Labor Grants $1,312,737.00 $1,312,737.00 Prime
17 CNMI DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND CULTURAL AFFAIRS (DCCA) (854856119) 0901MPCCD7 Department of Health and Human Services Grants $1,823,015.00 $1,823,015.00 Prime
18 Workplace Technolgy (DUNS Not Available) GTA01X31019.9Y800 Department of Education Grants $34,348.00 Vendor
19 CNMI PUBLIC SCHOOL SYSTEM (854854544) MP-86-X001-00 Department of Transportation Grants $52,510.00 $52,510.00 Prime
20 KARIDAT SOCIAL SERVICES (854855959) 933200001 Department of Homeland Security Grants $44,350.00 Sub-Recipient