CMS EHR Incentive Programs Listserv

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) listserv about the Medicare and Medicaid Electronic Health Record (EHR) Incentive Programs will provide timely, authoritative information about the programs, including registration and attestation updates, and details about the payment process.

By subscribing to the listserv, CMS will keep you informed of upcoming deadlines and give you answers to questions and concerns that we have gathered from eligible professionals and eligible hospitals in the field. New updates will be circulated on the listserv to keep you informed of any developments, and subscribers will be notified of any new Frequently Asked Questions that are published on the CMS EHR Incentive Programs' web site. The listserv messages are another CMS resource to help you navigate the Incentive Programs.

We encourage you to let others know about the CMS EHR listserv, and to share its messages. Subscribe to CMS EHR Incentive Programs Listserv to learn more.

The following listserv messages may be accessed in the file under the Downloads section of this page: