Collection & Enforcement Systems

image of a passport and money

OCSE’s collections and enforcement unit works with public and private organizations to initiate a variety of enforcement activities at the federal level on behalf of state child support agencies.  To help states enforce child support orders, we:

  • Submit an obligor’s child support debt to the Department of Treasury’s Financial Management Service to offset a tax refund and other federal payment
  • Submit the delinquent obligor’s information to the Department of State to deny issuance of a passport
  • Conduct a data match with insurance companies, state workers’ compensation agencies and the Department of Labor to offset an upcoming insurance claim or award
  • Conduct a data match with financial institutions to search for a delinquent obligor’s account information
  • Operate the Debt Inquiry Service that offers a central place to collect upcoming bonus or claim payment information from employers and insurers, which is then matched against information for delinquent obligors

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