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RECOGNIZE Phone Fraud Learn about common telemarketing scams and how to avoid them.
REPORT Phone Fraud Your complaint helps law enforcement officials track down scam artists and stop them.
REGISTER For the National
Do Not Call Registry
The Registry gives you a choice about whether to receive telemarketing calls at home.

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Telemarketing fraud is a crime. Criminals use the phone to commit many different types of fraud, including sweepstakes and lottery frauds, loan fraud, buying club memberships, and credit card scams.

Telephone scammers are good at what they do. They say anything and target everyone to try to cheat people out of money. They may call you and imply that they work for a company you trust, or they may send direct mail or place ads to convince you to call them.

Who's Calling? explains several deceptive telemarketing schemes, and how you can protect yourself against them. In short, you can:

  • Recognize how to identify the most common telemarketing scams.

  • Report phone fraud to the FTC, providing important information to help law enforcement officials bring scammers to justice.

  • Register your phone number on the National Do Not Call Registry. Registering can help limit the number of telemarketing calls you receive, so you can be more alert to calls you do get.

Common Phone Scams


The FTC Releases Two 3-min Videos on Telemarketing Scams and How to Avoid Them

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FTC Issues Final Telemarketing Sales Rule Amendments Regarding Prerecorded Calls

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FTC Announces 'Operation Tele-PHONEY,' Agency's Largest Telemarketing Sweep

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