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Travel Telemarketing Scams

Have you ever been tempted to sign up to win a "free" trip at a fair, a trade show, or a restaurant? If you do so, you may get a phone call, a letter, an unsolicited fax, an email, or a postcard telling you that you've won a vacation. Be careful. It may be a "trip trap." The vacation that you've "won" likely isn't free. And the "bargain-priced" luxury travel package you're offered on the telephone or Internet may not fit your idea of luxury.

While some travel opportunities sold on the phone or offered through the mail, Internet, or fax are legitimate, many are scams. The word "offer" can be a clue to hidden charges.

How to Avoid Travel Scams

  • Verify and clarify. Call to verify your reservations and arrangements. Get the details behind vague promises that you'll be staying at a "five-star" resort or sailing on a "luxury" cruise ship. When you have the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of the airlines, car rental companies, and hotels you'll be using, confirm all arrangements which each vendor for yourself.

  • Put it on paper. Get the details of your vacation in writing. Get a copy of the company's cancellation and refund policies, and ask "What if...?" Consider whether some form of travel cancellation insurance may be appropriate.

  • Use a credit card to purchase your trip. If you don't get what you paid for, you may be able to dispute the charges with your credit card company. However, don't give your account number to any business until you've verified that the business is reputable.

  • Avoid a travel club flub. Ask questions before joining a travel club. Sometimes, a "free trial" membership can result in unauthorized charges on your credit card. Find out what you'll get for your money and how you can cancel.

  • Slow down if you've won a "free" vacation. Scam artists may tell you you've won a "free" vacation, but then claim to need your credit card number for "verification." Tell 'em to take a hike. If the promotion is legitimate, you never need to pay for a prize.

FTC Publications

More Resources

Learn how to "Gear Up for a Great Trip"

Before you pay for travel arrangements in response to a cold call:

  • Find out exactly what the price covers and what it doesn't.
  • Get the names of the hotel, airports, airlines, and restaurants in your package and ask about additional charges. Consider contacting these businesses directly to verify arrangements, and ask about cancellation policies and refunds.