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RECOGNIZE Phone Fraud Learn about common telemarketing scams and how to avoid them.
REPORT Phone Fraud Your complaint helps law enforcement officials track down scam artists and stop them.
REGISTER For the National
Do Not Call Registry
The Registry gives you a choice about whether to receive telemarketing calls at home.

Register for the National Do Not Call Registry

National Do Not Call Registry

The National Do Not Call Registry gives you an opportunity to limit the telemarketing calls you receive. Once you register your phone number, telemarketers subject to the FTC's Telemarketing Sales Rule must stop calling you.

Most legitimate telemarketers respect the Registry and won't call a number on it. But scammers are willing to violate the Registry restrictions. If your number is on the Registry, be suspicious of any telemarketing calls, unless they are from companies with which you already do business or that are allowed to call under an exception to the rule.

How To Register Your Number

Two easy ways:

  • Visit DoNotCall.gov Enter your phone number and email address. Click Submit. Confirm your information and click Register. Open your email message from Register@donotcall.gov. Click on the link to complete your registration.

  • Call 1-888-382-1222 from the number you wish to register.

Exceptions to the Telemarketing Sales Rule

Placing your number on the National Do Not Call Registry will stop most telemarketing calls, but not all. Once your number has been on the registry for 31 days, you still may get:

  • Calls from - or on behalf of - political organizations, charities, polls, and surveys

  • Calls from companies with whom you have an existing business relationship (18 months after you make a purchase or three months after you submit an inquiry or application)

  • Calls from companies you've given permission to call

  • Business-to-business calls

What about cell phones?

The National Do Not Call Registry accepts personal cell phones and home numbers. There is no deadline to place a cell or home number on the Registry. Federal Communications Commission (FCC) regulations prohibit telemarketers from using automated dialers to call cell phone numbers, so most telemarketers don't cold-call consumers on their cell phones. Learn more

FTC's Publications

Your registration does not expire!

The Federal Trade Commission will not drop any telephone numbers from the National Do Not Call Registry unless they have been disconnected and reassigned to other customers. Learn more

Not sure if you're already registered?

Visit DoNotCall.gov or call 1-888-382-1222 to verify