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RECOGNIZE Phone Fraud Learn about common telemarketing scams and how to avoid them.
REPORT Phone Fraud Your complaint helps law enforcement officials track down scam artists and stop them.
REGISTER For the National
Do Not Call Registry
The Registry gives you a choice about whether to receive telemarketing calls at home.

About the Campaign

The FTC has a new consumer education campaign to educate consumers about fraudulent and deceptive telemarketing, and how they can protect themselves.

The Who's Calling? Recognize & Report Phone Fraud campaign gives consumers information and resources to avoid telemarketing fraud. It is built on three R's. The three R's:

Recognize: Learn how to identify the most common telemarketing scams, and how to stop them.

Report: Report fraud to the FTC, because providing information helps law enforcement bring scammers to justice.

Register: Place your phone number on the National Do Not Call Registry for a tried and true way to stop most unwanted telemarketing calls.

ftc.gov/phonefraud provides consumers with easy access to information on a variety of telemarketing scam categories, including:

  • Buying Club Memberships

  • Charities & Fundraising Fraud

  • Credit & Loan Offers

  • Government Grant Scams

  • Identity Theft & Telemarketing

  • Medical Discount Plans

  • Reloading Scams

  • Sweepstakes & Lotteries

  • Travel Scams

  • Work-at-Home & Business Opportunities

Elements of the Who's Calling? campaign include:

  • Tips to recognizing the tell-tale signs of telemarketing fraud

  • Videos on recognizing telemarketing fraud and how to get off the phone, and how to register for the National Do Not Call Registry

  • Information on how and where to report telemarketing fraud

  • Resources for media

Partner Tools

The Partner Resources page is a one-stop source for tools and materials to educate consumers you know, including:

  • Web items like badges and graphics with content you can place on your organization's website or your e-newsletters.

  • A campaign brochure that outlines assorted types of telemarketing fraud, warning signs of potential fraud, and steps consumers can take to avoid it.

  • Links to additional fraud-specific fact sheets and information to help you communicate with your audiences about signs of potentially fraudulent telemarketing.

For more information about the Who's Calling? campaign or suggestions for partner tools, email outreach@ftc.gov