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Outdoor vs. Screen Time

June 22, 2012

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What makes teenagers happier and healthier in the long run? Physical activity or more screen time?

Teens rarely dwell on quality of life, but when Australian researchers took a look at it, they found the more active the kid, the better their health quality of life. This includes physical, mental, and social well-being.

The study, published in the journal Pediatrics, surveyed more than 2,000 adolescents at around age 13, and then most of them again at age 17. Both times they were asked to complete detailed activity questionnaires. Those who frequently participated in outdoor activities reported functioning better both physically and socially. On the flip side, those who spent most of their time watching TV or playing video games weren't as healthy, often weighed more, had lower self-esteem and were less connected with their peers.

The researchers say these findings point to the need for a public health policy and interventions to promote less screen time and more outdoor recreation, no matter what a child's age.

I'm Dr. Cindy Haines of HealthDay TV, with the news that doctors are reading: health news that matters to you.