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Building Design

As part of the Better Buildings Challenge, partners commit to reducing energy use in their buildings by 20 percent or more by 2020 and highlighting a project that showcases their commitment to energy efficiency. Check out the map to learn more about partners' showcase projects in your state and their overall Challenge commitments.

As part of the Better Buildings Challenge, partners commit to reducing energy use in their buildings by 20 percent or more by 2020 and highlighting a project that showcases their commitment to energy efficiency. Check out the map to learn more about partners' showcase projects in your state and their overall Challenge commitments.

Green Button App of the Week Part 2: Melon
The Melon Green Button App | Image by

Melon, an app that makes it simple for commercial building managers to get an ENERGY STAR benchmark for their buildings, took second place in the Best Overall App category. Building managers and their service providers can use Melon to easily incorporate Green Button data into the benchmarking process.

University at Albany Students Head Back to a School Powered with Renewable Energy
University at Albany's new student housing center, Liberty Terrace, is the school's first LEED Gold certified facility. The building has high-efficiency lighting and uses 45 percent less water than a comparable building. | Photo courtesy of the University at Albany.

University at Albany's new student housing center uses a geothermal heat pump to control temperature, reduce energy use and save money.

2012 London Olympics Go for the Green with Its Energy Efficient, Sustainable, and Recyclable Design
Olympic stadium, with a roof made of 2,500 tons of steel tubing from recycled gas pipelines, is one example of sustainable design that is part of London's 500-acre Olympic Park. | Photo courtesy of iStock user <a href="">Johnny Greig</a>.

The 2012 London games promise to be the greenest Olympics to date with sustainable, energy efficient, and recyclable facilities.