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Neuronames Brain Hierarchy Source Information

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The Neuroscience Division, National Primate Research Center at the University of Washington developed and maintains the NeuroNames Brain Hierarchy,which is integrated in the BrainInfo neuroanatomical portal.

NeuroNames is a comprehensive hierarchical nomenclature for structures of the primate (human and macaque) brain used as an indexing structure for computer systems.

NeuroNames is a neuroanatomical ontology.

NeuroNames defines the brain using 550 primary structures and includes other related structures, names, and synonyms.

NeuroNames contains 15,000 neuroanatomical terms; English and Latin names for 850 unique structures; and 9,000 synonyms.

NeuroNames is used by practitioners and researchers in the field of neuroanatomy.

Update Frequency
NeuroNames is updated annually.

Metathesaurus Update Frequency
NeuroNames was last updated in the Metathesaurus in 2000.

Sites Consulted

  1. About BrainInfo [Internet]. Seattle: University of Washington; c1991-2007 [cited 2009 Dec 16]. Available from: