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Family Health

The 12 Ways to Health Holiday Song


Learn how to stay safe and healthy with this festive song, sung to the tune of The Twelve Days of Christmas!*

1. The first way to health, said the CDC to me
Wash hands to be safe and healthy.

2. The second way to health, said the CDC to me
Bundle up for warmth, and wash hands to be safe and healthy.

3. The third way to health, said the CDC to me
Manage stress, bundle up for warmth, and wash hands to be safe and healthy.

4. The fourth way to health, said the CDC to me
Don't drink and drive, manage stress, bundle up for warmth, and wash hands to be safe and healthy.

5. The fifth way to health, said the CDC to me
BE SMOKE-FREE, don't drink and drive, manage stress, bundle up for warmth, and wash hands to be safe and healthy.

6. The sixth way to health, said the CDC to me
Fasten belts while driving, BE SMOKE-FREE, don't drink and drive, manage stress, bundle up for warmth, and wash hands to be safe and healthy.

7. The seventh way to health, said the CDC to me
Get exams and screenings, fasten belts while driving, BE SMOKE-FREE, don't drink and drive, manage stress, bundle up for warmth, and wash hands to be safe and healthy.

8. The eighth way to health, said the CDC to me
Get your vaccinations, get exams and screenings, fasten belts while driving, BE SMOKE-FREE, don't drink and drive, manage stress, bundle up for warmth, and wash hands to be safe and healthy.

9. The ninth way to health, said the CDC to me
Monitor the children, get your vaccinations, get exams and screenings, fasten belts while driving, BE SMOKE-FREE, don't drink and drive, manage stress, bundle up for warmth, and wash hands to be safe and healthy.

10. The tenth way to health, said the CDC to me
Practice fire safety, monitor the children, get your vaccinations, get exams and screenings, fasten belts while driving, BE SMOKE-FREE, don't drink and drive, manage stress, bundle up for warmth, and wash hands to be safe and healthy.

11. The eleventh way to health, said the CDC to me
Prepare dinner safely, practice fire safety, monitor the children, get your vaccinations, get exams and screenings, fasten belts while driving, BE SMOKE-FREE, don't drink and drive, manage stress, bundle up for warmth, and wash hands to be safe and healthy.

12. The twelfth way to health, said the CDC to me
Eat well and get moving, prepare dinner safely, practice fire safety, monitor the children, get your vaccinations, get exams and screenings, fasten belts while driving, BE SMOKE-FREE, don't drink and drive, manage stress, bundle up for warmth, and wash hands to be safe and healthy.

Happy Holidays!


*Disclaimer: Under the Copyright Act (17 USC Section 107), the use of the tune The Twelve Days of Christmas on this website is permitted under the "fair use" exemption for the purposes of nonprofit education and public health information dissemination. For any other purpose, this work may have copyright protection under 17 USC Sections 106-120.

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Content Source: CDC Office of Women's Health
Page last modified: December 13, 2010
Page last reviewed: December 13, 2010