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Discuss: Mobile Privacy and Identity Management

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Agencies have to be vigilant with privacy and identity management on mobile products--especially with the availability of location and personal data on these devices. The agencies we spoke to encountered a number of scenarios and concerns regarding privacy and identity management.

  1. Many agencies starting mobile product planning encounter major challenges because they lack expertise surrounding privacy and identity management issues. Many times potential mobile products are shut down before any privacy evaluation or risk assessment can be completed.
  2. Protecting users requires going the distance research-wise. Agencies are still learning how to determine what information is collected by app stores, how such information may be used, and whether such information may be used for behavioral advertising or other commercial purposes.
  3. Agencies find that new mobile products that collect new information can create new systems of records. These systems of records need to be evaluated to assess whether or not they are collecting personally identifiable information (PII) and how that data is stored and used.
  4. Agencies have to write clear privacy agreements and design understandable opt in or opt out agreements that they do not confuse users.

Your Turn

Have you experienced any of these or other scenarios with privacy and identity management in your agency? How are privacy and identity management challenges affecting your agency’s mobile efforts?

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