Submission Number: 00005 

Received: 5/14/2012 11:53:02 AM
Commenter: David Cosloy
State: Kansas

Agency: Federal Trade Commission
Initiative: Proposed Consent Agreement In the Matter of Myspace LLC; FTC File No. 102 3058
Attachments: No Attachments
Submission Text
The FTC needs to reconsider this case along with similar cases to provide a financial penalty equal or greater to the amount of money this type of PII generates for the offending company. The practice began under Mr. R. Murdoch' s ownership--it was well-known that there were irregularities with NewsCorp and unethical practices. Now it is seen as endemic to the process of corporate stewardship (or lack thereof) of individuals PRIVATE information. As long as you (FTC) merely provide this sort of "gosh I was bad" penalty these types of information breaches will continue. Please consider multi-million dollar fines for these folks at least to stop this practice. Otherwise I consider this consent decree tantamount to encouragement and a wink to the corporations to continue their sad practices of selling private information.