Medicare Coverage - General Information

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CMS Updates to Coverage Pages
Posted new tracking sheet for Autologous Cellular Immunotherapy Treatment of Metastatic Prostate Cancer. Also announced CED session of AHRQ Annual Meeting.

National Coverage Analyses

Autologous Cellular Immunotherapy Treatment of Metastatic Prostate Cancer
Posted new tracking sheet

AHRQ Annual Meeting: CED Session

AHRQ and the Coverage and Analysis Group within the Office of Clinical Standards and Quality at CMS will host a half-day session titled "Understanding the Medicare Coverage With Evidence Development (CED) Loop." Presentations and discussions on the following topics are planned: an introduction to CED, a process for prioritizing potential topics and approving studies, the status of CED studies at this time with a more in-depth presentation of results from the PET-FDG for six cancers and the implantable cardiac defibrillator registries, data available to the public and how to obtain these datasets, and a discussion of issues CMS is considering such as setting timelines or criteria for the CED to be completed.

Interested parties can register for this and other sessions at