Records Managers

BRIDG Webcast Instructions

NARA will make this meeting available via webcast. Please note that this is the first time we will be webcasting live, and we are still experimenting with webcasting services, hardware, and software.

The webcast will include an American Sign Language interpreter.

Here are the steps you will need to take to view the webcast. We strongly recommend that you begin this process well before the meeting date.

1. Set up a (free) account on
You can find the direct link here:

2. Test to make sure that you can access the webcast
Many factors (including agency permissions, bandwidth, hardware, software, etc.) can impact whether you will be able to view the webcast. As the majority of these factors are beyond our control, we will not be able to provide technical support during the webcast.

We therefore recommend that you engage with IT support at your agency that you take the following steps to test your equipment in order to ensure that you can access the webcast.

Well before the BRIDG webcast, we recommend that you try to access another Federal channel on ustream. For example, try to access NASA's channel at If you can see this, you should be able to access the BRIDG webcast.

If you cannot access NASA's ustream channel, we recommend that you read ustream's troubleshooting guide at

Please note that ustream recommends Google Chrome. The system requirements for Chrome can be found here:

Internet Explorer 8 minimum requirements can be found here:

FireFox 3.6 requirements can be found here:

If your agency blocks, you may wish to work with your IT department before the event to unblock the channel for this webcast. Or, you may wish to make arrangements to view the webcast from an alternate work site.

3. Join the webcast.
The webcast will run from:
10 a.m. - 12 p.m. Eastern
9 -11 a.m. Central
8 - 10 a.m. Mountain
7 - 9 a.m. Pacific

To join the webcast:
--Go to
--Log in to your ustream account
--Click on the "join crowd" button
--Click "Check-in & chat" button. This will bring up a box with the option to share or skip. Click "skip"
--Within a few seconds, you should be able to hear and see the webcast. If you log in early, you will see a black screen with the words "off air" under the screen.

4. Ask questions during the webcast
To ask a question during the webcast, enter your question in the text box under the "social stream" tab. It would be helpful if you could preface your question with your name and agency in parenthesis. NARA staff will monitor the questions, and will read them aloud for presenters to answer during the meeting.

We will also be monitoring questions from both the on-site and remote audiences through Twitter. If you would like to ask a question or make a comment through Twitter, please use the #NARABRIDG hashtag.If we are experiencing any technical difficulties, we will put an announcement on the FRC twitter feed (

Records Managers >

The U.S. National Archives and Records Administration
1-86-NARA-NARA or 1-866-272-6272