Beacon Community Program

Southern Piedmont Beacon Community

The state of North Carolina

The goal of the Southern Piedmont Beacon Community is to use health information technology (health IT)—including health information exchange among providers and increased patient access to health records—to improve care coordination, encourage patient involvement in their own medical care, and improve health outcomes while controlling cost. This will be accomplished by:

  • Adding care managers and pharmacists, and mental health counselors to the care team for patients with diabetes, congestive heart failure, hypertension, and other chronic diseases in the area to help establish a more seamless, integrated health care experience
  • Expanding opportunities for patient education and involvement through a specialized program and clinics in the community including schools
  • Expanding health IT to support increased communication and collaboration among members of the care team including patients
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Our hope is to learn from the data that we gather to improve the overall context and to encourage better lifestyle choices.

–John Graham, Ph.D., P.M.P., Southern Piedmont Beacon Community

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