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Travel Guide Quiz
Hawaii Quarter Bonus Questions!
How well do you know the newest quarter design?
  1. The Hawaii quarter features:

  2. The state capital of Hawaii is:

  3. The state flower of Hawaii is the:

  1. This "Buckeye" state celebrated its quarter release in 2002.

  2. This state joined the Union in 1791, and the words “Freedom and Unity” are found on the reverse of its quarter.

  3. This quarter, released in 2000, displays a reverse image of leaf clusters from the state tree, the White Oak.

  4. This state will celebrate the 400th anniversary of Jamestown in 2007.

  5. This state joined the union in 1792.

  6. This state joined the Union on January 29, 1861 and was the fourth quarter released in 2005, the 34th of the 50 State Quarters Program.

  7. This state was admitted into the Union on October 31, 1864. This day (October 31) eventually became a state holiday.

  8. The "Magnolia State" released its quarter in 2002.

  9. The "First State" to join the union in 1787 is the state of ____________.

  10. The "Great Lakes" can be seen on the reverse of this 2004 quarter.

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