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DOCLINE -- Printing DOCLINE Reports

Question: How can I print my DOCLINE Reports?


Using Internet Explorer (IE):

  1. From the DOCLINE menu, select Requests then Reports.
  2. Select the report to view/print.
  3. From the IE menu, select File, then Print.
    (Note: In IE 7.x or 8.x, if the menu bar is not displayed by default, chose the printer icon on the command bar, select Page Setup to change the page orientation and to print the report.)
  4. In the Print dialog box, select the Preferences button.
  5. Change the page orientation to Landscape.
    (Note: The location of this setting will depend upon your printer & printer driver.)
  6. Click OK.
  7. In Print dialog box, click OK.

Using Firefox:

  1. From the DOCLINE menu, select Requests then Reports.
  2. Select the report to view/print.
  3. From the Firefox menu, select File, then Print.
  4. In the Print dialog box, select the Properties button.
  5. Change the page orientation to Landscape.
    (Note: The location of this setting will depend upon your printer & printer driver.)
  6. Click OK.
  7. In Print dialog box, click OK.

Related Questions:
How can I download my DOCLINE reports to Excel?

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