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DOCLINE -- Save the Holdings for My Library in a MARC 21 Format

Question: How do I save all the holdings for my library in a MARC 21 format?


After creating the "Holdings by Library" report in MARC 21 format, follow these steps to save the report locally and retain the format:

Using Internet Explorer:

  1. Select Serial Holdings from the DOCLINE main menu.
  2. Select Reports.
  3. On the left navigation, select Review Reports.
  4. Under Completed Reports in the main window, right click on the appropriate Report Name hyperlink.
  5. Select Save Target As.
  6. Enter a file name with with file extension ".bin". Example: "MDUGHI.bin"
  7. Click Save.

Using Firefox:

  1. Select Serial Holdings from the DOCLINE main menu.
  2. Select Reports.
  3. On the left navigation, select Review Reports.
  4. Under Completed Reports in the main window, right click on the appropriate Report Name hyperlink.
  5. Select Save Link As.
  6. Enter a file name with file extension ".bin". Example: "MDUGHI.bin"
  7. Click Save.

Related Questions:
How do I print all the holdings for my library?
How do I save all the holdings for my library in a delimited format?
How do I save all the holdings for my library in an HTML format?
How do I view all the holdings for my library?

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