
  • Rescued the American auto industry from collapse, saving more than 1 million jobs around the country. U.S. automakers have added nearly 250,000 jobs since June of 2009 -- the best period of growth in more than a decade.
    Read about auto industry job growth:
  • Required auto companies retool and build more fuel efficient cars in exchange for aid, and as a result, Ford, GM and Chrysler are now profitable. GM is once again the number one car company in the world, and Chrysler is the fastest-growing car company in the U.S.
    Read about the resurgence of the American auto industry:
  • Supported the resurgence of American manufacturers, who have added more than 500,000 jobs since January 2010, the strongest period of job growth since 1989.
    Read about manufacturing job growth:
  • Signed three trade agreements that will help U.S. manufacturers and automakers create jobs here at home and sell things like cars and trucks in South Korea, Colombia, and Panama.
    Read about new trade agreements:
  • Launched a partnership with industry and university leaders to identify and invest in new technologies that will make U.S. manufacturers more competitive.
    Read about the Advanced Manufacturing Partnership:
Our Manufacturing Sector

What's Next

  • Reward companies that bring jobs back to America with lower taxes and pay for it by eliminating tax incentives for companies that ship jobs overseas.
    Read about supporting U.S. jobs, not outsourcing:
  • Open new export markets, stay tough on trade enforcement to protect U.S. companies selling products overseas, and provide U.S. businesses tools they need to export goods.
    Read about: increasing exports
    Read about increasing exports:
  • Prepare workers with skills and credentials employers need. Support programs that train workers for jobs in growing industries like high-tech manufacturing and IT.
    Read about workforce training programs:
  • Invest in a domestic clean energy economy powered by sources like wind, solar, and clean coal. Renew successful bipartisan tax incentives that create American jobs and reduce our reliance on foreign oil.
    Read about a clean energy economy:
Double Exports