National Library of MedicineChemIDplus Lite Application
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ChemIDplus ChemIDplus - Dictionary of over 370,000 chemicals (names, synonyms, and structures). Includes links to NLM and other databases and resources. HSDB Hazardous Substances Data Bank (HSDB) - Comprehensive, peer-reviewed toxicology data for over 4,700 chemicals. TOXLINE Toxicology Literature Online (TOXLINE) - References from toxicology literature. CCRIS Chemical Carcinogenesis Research Information System (CCRIS) - carcinogenicity and mutagenicity test results for over 8,000 chemicals. DART Developmental and Reproductive Toxicology Database (DART) - References to developmental and reproductive toxicology literature. GENETOX Genetic Toxicology Data Bank (GENE-TOX) - Peer-reviewed genetic toxicology test data for over 3,000 chemicals. IRIS Integrated Risk Information System (IRIS) - Hazard identification and dose-response assessments for over 500 chemicals. ITER International Toxicity Estimates for Risk (ITER) - Risk information for over 600 chemicals from authoritative groups worldwide. Multi-Database Multi-Database Search - Search all factual chemical databases. TRI Toxics Release Inventory (TRI) - Annual environmental releases of over 600 toxic chemicals by U.S. facilities. Haz-Map Haz-Map - Links jobs and hazardous tasks with occupational diseases and their symptoms. Household Products Household Products Database - Potential health effects of chemicals in 6,000 common household products. TOXMAP TOXMAP - Environmental Health e-Maps. Geographic representation of TRI data with links to other TOXNET resources. LactMed Drugs and Lactation Database (LactMed) - A database of drugs and other chemicals to which breastfeeding mothers may be exposed.

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ChemIDplus - Dictionary of over 370,000 chemicals (names, synonyms, and structures). Includes links to NLM and other databases and resources.
Hazardous Substances Data Bank (HSDB) - Comprehensive, peer-reviewed toxicology data for over 4,700 chemicals.
Toxicology Literature Online (TOXLINE) - References from toxicology literature.
Chemical Carcinogenesis Research Information System (CCRIS) - carcinogenicity and mutagenicity test results for over 8,000 chemicals.
Developmental and Reproductive Toxicology Database (DART) - References to developmental and reproductive toxicology literature.
Genetic Toxicology Data Bank (GENE-TOX) - Peer-reviewed genetic toxicology test data for over 3,000 chemicals.
Integrated Risk Information System (IRIS) - Hazard identification and dose-response assessments for over 500 chemicals.
International Toxicity Estimates for Risk (ITER) - Risk information for over 600 chemicals from authoritative groups worldwide.
Drugs and Lactation Database (LactMed) - A database of drugs and other chemicals to which breastfeeding mothers may be exposed.
Multi-Database Search - Search all factual chemical databases.
Toxics Release Inventory (TRI) - Annual environmental releases of over 600 toxic chemicals by U.S. facilities.
Haz-Map - Links jobs and hazardous tasks with occupational diseases and their symptoms.
Household Products Database - Potential health effects of chemicals in 6,000 common household products.
TOXMAP - Environmental Health e-Maps. Geographic representation of TRI data with links to other TOXNET resources.

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