San Diego International Rescue Committee Financial Opportunity Center

San Diego International Rescue Committee Financial Opportunity Center

LISC-supported Financial Opportunity Center featured
in White House blog

A recent blog post featured the work of the San Diego International Rescue Committee Financial Opportunity Center, which integrates traditional refugee services with financial management support. The San Diego IRC received a $135,000 Social Innovation Fund (SIF) grant through LISC. More[+]...

Winning over naysayers

From LISC's Institute of Comprehensive Community Development
Any plan to revitalize a community, no matter how well-intentioned, has the potential to attract critics. Some may be vocal enough to disrupt your whole effort. That’s what happened in 2009 to Virginia LISC and its partners after they launched a comprehensive community development initiative in the Greater Fulton area of Richmond. More[+]...

Paseo Verde links a community to opportunity

Paseo Verde

By Helen Rogan - In the early 1990s, Philadelphia’s Eastern North neighborhood was drained of hope. Known to residents as the Badlands, ravaged in the name of urban renewal, it had lost factories, jobs and housing. A 2001 survey found almost 2,200 vacant lots and empty building over several dozen blocks. Drugs and crime were rampant, and, in the words of one resident, the area was “old, abandoned, [and] ugly.” More[+]...