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FAQ: Finding a List of Current MEDLINE® Journals by Country or Language using the Journals Database

Question: How do I find a list of current MEDLINE® journals by Country of Publication or Language?

Go to the NLM Catalog to search for currently indexed MEDLINE Journals by Country or Language.

In the NLM Catalog, click on the Limits tab.

To retrieve a list of currently indexed MEDLINE journals by Language:

  1. Under the Languages limit, select the language to limit your journal listing.
  2. Under the Journal Subsets limit, select Journals currently indexed in MEDLINE.
  3. Click Go.

To retrieve a list by currently indexed MEDLINE journals by Place of Publication (Country):

  1. Under the Journal Subsets limit, select Journals currently indexed in MEDLINE.
  2. Within the Search box, enter the country of publication and qualify by [pl] to create a journal list. Example: Japan [pl].
  3. Click Go.

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