ENERGY STAR is a joint program of the US EPA and US DOE helping us all save energy and protect the environment.

Washington, DC


: Monday 6:30PM-Reminder! Remember tonight’s reception hosted by Lowe’s at the Saint Paul Union Depot!

: Monday 3:30 PM-Addtl session! "Res Ltg Mkt: PP&F" originally only Tues 5:30PM, ALSO offered Mon 3:30PM, MN East, LL

: Monday 2:00 PM-Room change! "Marketing Lighting..." session now in MN East Ballroom, Lower Level

: Cool stuff for kids from the Lorax & Team ENERGY STAR! Supplies limited - get them at registration desk!

Thank goodness for Friday! Check out the ENERGY STAR Current and read all about the top kids in Team ENERGY STAR!

Get your HVAC equipment ready for winter! Here are 10 tips for hiring the right contractor:

Our first LIVE Facebook broadcast is Oct. 23! Join us at 1:15pm CDT for a discussion on young people and saving energy.

: Wash your laundry in cold water. Switching your temperature from hot to warm can cut energy use in half.

Water heating is the 2nd largest energy use in homes. Replace an old water heater with ENERGY STAR and save!

Did you know that the ENERGY STAR program is celebrating its 20th anniversary? Read more here:

Answer: ENERGY STAR certified televisions are, on average, over 20% more energy efficient than conventional models.

- The top five participants are Alexandra S., Renee L., Bryce and Bailey P., Imelia B. and Caleigh G. !

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