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Eat Healthy 


Take Action!

Be a healthy family.
If you have children, you are a role model for making good food choices. Many kids like to help with grocery shopping and cooking, so let them help out!

Do you have a family member who has a hard time eating healthy? Use these tips to start a conversation about how you can help.

Eat healthy away from home.
It’s important to make smart food choices wherever you are – at work, in your favorite restaurant, or running errands. Try these tips:

  • At lunch, have a sandwich on whole-grain bread.
  • Choose fat-free or low-fat milk, water, or 100% fruit juice.
  • In a restaurant, choose steamed, broiled, or grilled dishes instead of fried foods.
  • On a long drive or shopping trip, pack fresh fruit, unsalted nuts, or fat-free or low-fat string cheese sticks to snack on.

Get more tips for eating healthy when dining out.

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