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Results Summary
Total Awards
Total Prime Recipient Award Amount
Number of Awards
Total Sub Recipient Award Amount
Number of Awards
Total Vendor Award Amount
Number of Awards
33 Contracts
0 Grants
0 Loans
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sortRecipient (DUNS) Sorted Ascending
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sortAward TypeAward
sortRecipient Role
1 AIM SERVICES, INCORPORATED (139405810) 13223-029-AIM-1963-MB DO 0029 Department of the Air Force Contracts $43,540.00 Sub-Recipient
2 AMERESCO FEDERAL SOLUTIONS, INC. (196975957) F4460003D0003 Department of the Air Force Contracts $1,043,385.00 $1,043,385.00 Prime
3 BURGESS SNYDER INDUSTRIES, INC. (001936723) 090005-002 0018 Department of the Air Force Contracts $131,829.00 Sub-Recipient
4 BURGESS SNYDER INDUSTRIES, INC. (001936723) 090005-002 0018 Department of the Air Force Contracts $131,829.00 Sub-Recipient
5 CHAMPCO, INC (879337004) 13223-030-POWERELE-1954-MB DO 0030 Department of the Air Force Contracts $1,176,649.95 Sub-Recipient
6 CHUGACH GOVERNMENT SERVICES, INC. (556637366) FA4800-08-D-0003 Department of the Air Force Contracts $105,452.90 $105,452.90 Prime
7 CHUGACH GOVERNMENT SERVICES, INC. (556637366) FA4800-08-D-0003 Department of the Air Force Contracts $21,238.00 $21,238.00 Prime
8 CLEAN MASTERS INC (118502991) 090005-001 0018 Department of the Air Force Contracts $226,000.00 Sub-Recipient
9 CLEAN MASTERS INC (118502991) 090005-001 0018 Department of the Air Force Contracts $226,000.00 Sub-Recipient
10 CONSTRUCTION DEVELOPMENT SERVICES INC (057433166) FA4800-09-C-0009 Department of the Air Force Contracts $770,129.00 $770,129.00 Prime
11 CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS, INC. (131389574) 090005-006 0018 Department of the Air Force Contracts $90,000.00 Sub-Recipient
12 CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS, INC. (131389574) 090005-006 0018 Department of the Air Force Contracts $90,000.00 Sub-Recipient
13 Davcon Incorporated (557339926) 13223-029-DAVCON-1942-MB DO 0029 Department of the Air Force Contracts $110,400.17 Sub-Recipient
14 ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGY, INC. (004653895) 1049381 3027 Department of the Air Force Contracts $779,407.85 Sub-Recipient
15 Floortech, Inc. (130708126) 13223-029-FLOORTX-2023-HB DO 0029 Department of the Air Force Contracts $50,500.00 Sub-Recipient
16 KMS INC (121529809) FA4800-09-C-0008 Department of the Air Force Contracts $456,569.00 $456,569.00 Prime
17 Mallory Electric Co. (023821366) 13223-029-MALLORY-1940-MB DO 0029 Department of the Air Force Contracts $40,430.17 Sub-Recipient
18 MICROPACT ENGINEERING, INC. (012994567) MUHJ 09-4033-01 MUHJ 09-4033 Department of the Air Force Contracts $121,534.53 Sub-Recipient
19 MPE GOVERNMENT SOLUTIONS (801962007) FA-4800-09-C-0005 Department of the Air Force Contracts $272,385.53 $12,891.00 Prime
20 Norva Painting Inc (197987191) 090005-011 0018 Department of the Air Force Contracts $43,900.00 Sub-Recipient
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