Office of Cooperative Threat Reduction (ISN/CTR)



The Office of Cooperative Threat Reduction (CTR) is funded by the Nonproliferation, Anti-terrorism, De-mining and Related Programs (NADR) Account. CTR programs, also known as Global Threat Reduction (GTR) programs, are aimed at reducing the threat posed by terrorist organizations or states of concern seeking to acquire weapons of mass destruction (WMD) expertise, materials and equipment. In addition to continued efforts in Iraq, the former Soviet Union, and Libya to engage former WMD experts, the GTR programs are working to reduce the rapidly growing worldwide WMD threat posed by terrorists, non-state actors, and proliferant states.

GTR programs are threat-driven and focus on frontline states like Iraq and Afghanistan, critical states such as Indonesia, Philippines, and Libya, and in regions where the terrorist threat is on the rise, such as South Asia, the Middle East, and Africa.

ISN/CTR works closely with all other ISN offices and with the regional bureaus of the Department of State as well as with White House offices and other agencies, including the Departments of Defense, Energy, Homeland Security, Health and Human Services, Agriculture, and the Environmental Protection Agency.

ISN/CTR also works closely with the Coordinator for Threat Reduction Programs (ISN/TR) in the G-8 Global Partnership Against the Spread of Weapons and Materials of Mass Destruction (G-8 Global Partnership) and facilitates coordination of other USG initiatives seeking increased contributions for nonproliferation assistance from other governments. ISN/CTR supports coordination of U.S. bilateral and multilateral activities related to the G-8 Global Partnership; develops strategies for expansion of the scope of the Global Partnership; and coordinates tracking of program data regarding USG and other government contributions for cooperative threat reduction activities.

ISN/CTR’s GTR programs include:

  • The Biosecurity Engagement Program (BEP) seeks to strengthen biorisk management practices, enhance infectious disease detection and surveillance, and facilitate scientist engagement worldwide to deny terrorist and other non-state actors access to potentially dangerous technical expertise and pathogens. Also included are continuing efforts to engage Russian biological scientists through the Bio-Chem Redirect and Bio-Industry Initiative Programs.
  • The Chemical Security Engagement Program (CSP) promotes chemical safety and security in academic and industrial chemical sectors and implements scientific engagement capacity-building projects to deter terrorists from acquiring chemicals and chemical expertise to be used to create or enhance a WMD or chemical attack. In 2009, CSP was awarded the Howard Fawcett Award from the American Chemical Society.
  • The Partnership for Nuclear Security (PNS) aims to establish cooperative partnerships related to the peaceful use of nuclear energy, in support of global nuclear security and related safety and nonproliferation objectives. PNS establishes sustainable linkages between nuclear technical professionals and counterparts at U.S. and international institutions; engages nuclear scientists, engineers and technicians in collaborative research projects with U.S. and other counterparts; and provides opportunities for training to nuclear technical professionals through workshops, conferences, travel and exchange programs, and related activities.
  • The Science Centers Program supports two international science and technology centers – the International Science and Technology Center in Moscow ( and the Science and Technology Center in Ukraine ( The two centers facilitate international science projects and assist the global scientific and business community to engage with scientists and engineers in the former Soviet Union.
  • The Libya Scientist Engagement Program engages Libyan scientists through technical partnerships that support the transition of Libya’s former weapons scientists to peaceful civilian activities.
  • The Iraq Scientist Engagement Program engages Iraqi scientists, engineers and technicians to enhance Iraqi economic and scientific development and promote a culture of nonproliferation in Iraq.

Director: Phillip Dolliff

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