Where We Work
Country finder

See the partner and network country page for more information

What We Do
Supports research sector capacity building by strengthening the production, access and dissemination of information and knowledge.
Builds capacity of policy makers to make use of research information
Support to develop and enhance ICT skills and implementation through training and other resources
Provides researchers with access to international scholarly literature based on electronic delivery
Develops digital services, ensures access to, and training in, exploiting and accessing resources
Provides information and links to open access resources and activities, helping to increase visibility and inclusion of developing country research.
Provides support to improve capacity, enhance sustainable access and increase global awareness and knowledge of national scholarship
Supporting developing country researchers in publishing their work
This page provides information on various grants and competitions available through INASP.
The Journals Online (JOL)project provides advice to journals wishing to publish online. Existing JOLs include BanglaJOL, LAMJOL, MongoliaJOL, NepJOL, PhilJOL, SLJOL and VJOL.
This page provides links to: programmes and initiatives complementary to PERii; the INASP Directory of Organisations; Open Access resources available to all; and online resources that are freely available to researchers in developing and emerging countries.
A joint initiative of ACU and INASP, PfD is a forum focusing on the importance of access to information for development
See all projects & activities



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Contact INASP

Contact information for INASP including address, maps, phone, fax, email and website.