Our Nation's Travel

The NHTS is the authoritative source of national data on the travel behavior of the American public. The dataset allows analysis of daily travel by all modes, including characteristics of the people traveling, their household, and their vehicles.
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TRB Task Force Activities

The TRB Task Force on Understanding New Directions for the NHTS met at the TRB annual meeting on Wednesday, January 16th. The agenda included planning efforts at FHWA, Task Force activities during 2012, three presentations on related studies, and discussion of action items and next steps.

If you are interested in participating in Task Force discussions, we invite to subscribe to the NHTS-USER list serve. The list serve is intended for periodic discussions of issues relevant to NHTS design and will serve as the "friend's list" for the Task Force. Technical questions should continue to be directed to the NHTS User's Forum.

You can join the list by sending an email to listserv@listserv.tamu.edu and in the email BODY put 'SUBSCRIBE nhts-user firstname lastname' (for example: "SUBSCRIBE nhts-user Stacey Bricka")

You will receive an email requesting confirmation — please watch for that email and respond promptly, as you have a limited time window in which to confirm.

New Publications from the AARP Public Policy Institute

Impact of Baby Boomers on U.S. Travel, 1969-2009

Leisure Travel of the 50+

Average VMT Measures Added to Online Analysis Tools

Two measures of average annual miles per vehicle have been added to the Online Analysis Tools for the 2009 NHTS. The two measures are 'self-reported' (known as ANNMILES) and 'best estimate' (BESTMILE). These two analysis variables have been added to Table Designer and the Frequently Asked for Tables, the latter presenting each analysis variable by vehicle age and type.


New journal article Demand for Public Transport in Germany and the USA: An Analysis of Rider Characteristics [PDF].

Redesigned Publications page with sort, search, and filter.

Updated: NHTS Compendium of Uses. The third edition of the NHTS Compendium of Uses is the latest compilation of transportation research articles and reports. Send additions to Tim Reuscher.

NHTS Policy Briefs

Developed by the CTA, ORNL under funding from the FHWA