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Unified Medical Language System® (UMLS®)

2012AA Micromedex Source Information

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RED BOOK® is produced by Micromedex®, a healthcare brand of Thomson Reuters.

The purpose of RED BOOK is to allow comprehensive access to current and accurate drug pricing information.

RED BOOK covers FDA-approved drug products. It includes prescription drugs, over-the-counter drugs, and nondrug products.

Metathesaurus Scope
The Metathesaurus representation of RED BOOK only contains information on branded clinical drugs and clinical drugs.

The Metathesaurus representation of RED BOOK contains information on approximately 26,283 branded clinical drugs and 24,281 clinical drugs.

Update Frequency
RED BOOK is updated daily.

Metathesaurus Update Frequency
RED BOOK is updated in each Metathesaurus release as part of RxNorm.

Sites Consulted

  1. Thomson Reuters Micromedex Clinical Evidence Solutions [Internet]. Thomson Reuters; c2011. RED BOOK Drug References; c2011 [cited 2011 Jul 8]. Available from: