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related to Recovery Act spending and allows for the reporting of potential fraud, waste, and abuse.

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Results Summary
Total Awards
Total Prime Recipient Award Amount
Number of Awards
Total Sub Recipient Award Amount
Number of Awards
Total Vendor Award Amount
Number of Awards
35 Contracts
0 Grants
0 Loans
1page 2 
sortRecipient (DUNS) Sorted Ascending
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sortAward TypeAward
sortRecipient Role
1 ARISE SCAFFOLDING & EQUIPMENT, INC. (792986879) 0923.06 Department of the Navy Contracts $63,000.00 Sub-Recipient
2 BELCAN ENGINEERING GROUP, INC. (009747015) 1BU35523 0006 Department of the Navy Contracts $65,135.00 Sub-Recipient
3 BELCAN ENGINEERING GROUP, INC. (009747015) 1BU35523 0006 Department of the Navy Contracts $65,135.00 Sub-Recipient
4 Combs Interior Specialties Incorporated (877154893) 309012-5 Department of the Navy Contracts $41,300.00 Sub-Recipient
5 COMBS INTERIOR SPECIALTIES, INC. (877154893) 309022-6 Department of the Navy Contracts $83,775.00 Sub-Recipient
6 CONTECH CONSTRUCTION PRODUCTS INC. (155294440) 30637 Department of the Navy Contracts $291,744.00 Sub-Recipient
7 DALMATIAN FIRE, INC. (362930638) 309012-13 Department of the Navy Contracts $39,678.00 Sub-Recipient
8 ELECTRICAL RELIABILITY SERVICES, INC. (058431792) 09013-16003-91 0020 Department of the Navy Contracts $74,735.00 Sub-Recipient
9 ENERGY FOCUS, INC. (173823345) C-018418 FD02 Department of the Navy Contracts $224,515.00 Sub-Recipient
10 FELDKAMP ENTERPRISES, INC. (056559941) 309012-6 Department of the Navy Contracts $175,775.00 Sub-Recipient
11 FELDKAMP ENTERPRISES, INC. (056559941) 309022-9 Department of the Navy Contracts $1,011,851.61 Sub-Recipient
12 FENCE MASTERS (859832151) 309022-2 Department of the Navy Contracts $52,366.00 Sub-Recipient
13 FENCE MASTERS (859832151) 309012-1 Department of the Navy Contracts $37,244.42 Sub-Recipient
14 FOWLER ELECTRIC CO. (005821681) 309012-7 Department of the Navy Contracts $153,224.00 Sub-Recipient
15 FOWLER ELECTRIC CO. (005821681) 307022-10 Department of the Navy Contracts $197,204.02 Sub-Recipient
16 GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY (137488664) N00024-07-C-4222 Department of the Navy Contracts $500,000.00 $381,250.00 Prime
17 HDT EP, INC. (187116348) M67854-07-D-5115 Department of the Navy Contracts $698,950.00 $698,950.00 Prime
18 HDT EP, INC. (187116348) M67854-10-C-5113 Department of the Navy Contracts $1,450,420.00 $1,450,420.00 Prime
19 HDT EP, INC. (187116348) M67854-10-D-5037 Department of the Navy Contracts $394,000.00 $394,000.00 Prime
20 INDUSTRIAL FIRST INC (008928178) 309022-4 Department of the Navy Contracts $40,636.40 Sub-Recipient
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