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Results Summary
Total Awards
Total Prime Recipient Award Amount
Number of Awards
Total Sub Recipient Award Amount
Number of Awards
Total Vendor Award Amount
Number of Awards
13 Contracts
9 Grants
0 Loans
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sortRecipient (DUNS) Sorted Ascending
sortAward #sortOrder #sortAwarding
sortAward TypeAward
sortRecipient Role
1 APPALACHIAN SIGNALS AND PRODUCTS, INC. (081549961) 985-SRM-2009 Department of the Army Grants $24,713.00 Sub-Recipient
2 APPALACHIAN SIGNALS AND PRODUCTS, INC. (081549961) 986-SRM-2009 Department of the Army Grants $23,733.61 Sub-Recipient
3 BOGGS ROOFING, INC. (098433964) P19565 Department of the Army Grants $156,225.00 Sub-Recipient
4 CARR CONCRETE CORPORATION (004389649) W9123809D0047 Department of the Army Contracts $34,655.00 $34,655.00 Prime
5 CFM PROJECT CONSULTING GROUP, INC. (172207909) W912DR-10-C-0101 Department of the Army Contracts $1,402,051.00 $1,402,051.00 Prime
6 CHORES UNLIMITED INC (154185177) W91237-09-D-0009 Department of the Army Contracts $50,170.00 $50,170.00 Prime
7 FRYE ROOFING, INC. (003828639) P19653 Department of the Army Grants $124,900.00 Sub-Recipient
8 GKC PROPERTIES LLC (790112879) W911WN-08-D-0004 Department of the Army Contracts $197,000.00 $197,000.00 Prime
9 HARRIS BROTHERS ROOFING COMPANY (005022223) P19536 Department of the Army Grants $750,000.00 Sub-Recipient
10 Jerry Goff AIA Architecture (047993423) P15138 Department of the Army Grants $77,764.67 Sub-Recipient
11 JOHNSON CONTROLS, INC. (006092860) Johnson Controls 6 Department of the Army Contracts $364,065.00 Sub-Recipient
12 KALKREUTH ROOFING & SHEET METAL, INC. (121680458) 09-1400BN 0206 Department of the Army Contracts $230,300.00 Sub-Recipient
13 LDH ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR, INC. (361509870) W912L8-09-C-0012 Department of the Army Contracts $2,292,945.41 $2,292,945.41 Prime
14 LYNDCO, INC. (830015132) W912L8-10-D-0005 Department of the Army Contracts $429,188.41 $109,002.28 Prime
15 MILITARY AFFAIRS AND PUBLIC SAFETY, WEST VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF (784117350) W912L8-09-2-9019 Department of the Army Grants $1,235,000.00 $155,428.39 Prime
16 MILITARY AFFAIRS AND PUBLIC SAFETY, WEST VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF (784117350) W912L8-09-2-9001 Department of the Army Grants $3,268,429.55 $2,312.80 Prime
17 ODYSSEY INTERNATIONAL, INC. (086547218) W912DR-09-D-0063 Department of the Army Contracts $46,894.50 $46,894.50 Prime
18 Paramount Builders, LLC (790489095) W912L8-10-D-0005 0009 Department of the Army Contracts $320,186.13 Sub-Recipient
19 Paramount Builders, LLC (790489095) P19650 Department of the Army Grants $3,188,352.08 Sub-Recipient
20 REXROAD SUPPLY COMPANY (082960543) W91237-09-P-0196 Department of the Army Contracts $2,608.71 $2,608.71 Prime
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