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related to Recovery Act spending and allows for the reporting of potential fraud, waste, and abuse.

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Results Summary
Total Awards
Total Prime Recipient Award Amount
Number of Awards
Total Sub Recipient Award Amount
Number of Awards
Total Vendor Award Amount
Number of Awards
192 Contracts
34 Grants
0 Loans
sortRecipient (DUNS) Sorted Ascending
sortAward #sortOrder #sortAwarding
sortAward TypeAward
sortRecipient Role
1 2wr/Holmeswilkins Architects Inc (037479920) AC-09-C-0050-S Department of the Army Grants $124,843.84 Sub-Recipient
2 ACOUSTICAL SURFACES, INC. (809117927) 6490200004 0003 Department of the Army Contracts $25,568.00 Sub-Recipient
3 Advanced Insulation Technology (804563539) 01-1494-02-2016 Department of the Army Contracts $61,319.00 Sub-Recipient
4 ALABAMA CONTROLS, INC. (079121851) AD05ALR323-13800S 0323 Department of the Army Contracts $7,905.00 Sub-Recipient
5 ALABAMA POWER COMPANY (006900120) GS-00P-06-BSD-0471 Department of the Army Contracts $62,910.00 $62,910.00 Prime
6 ALABAMA POWER COMPANY (608772138) GS-00P-06-BSD-0471 Department of the Army Contracts $62,910.00 $62,910.00 Prime
7 Allshores Contracting and Consulting, LLC (830517707) 236-1 0236 Department of the Army Contracts $30,000.00 Sub-Recipient
8 Allshores Contracting and Consulting, LLC (830517707) 228-1 0228 Department of the Army Contracts $203,420.00 Sub-Recipient
9 Allshores Contracting and Consulting, LLC (830517707) 231-2 0231 Department of the Army Contracts $25,815.37 Sub-Recipient
10 Allshores Contracting and Consulting, LLC (830517707) 227-1 0227 Department of the Army Contracts $305,346.00 Sub-Recipient
11 AMERICAN INDUSTRIAL PIPING, INC (787806462) 98-1 0098 Department of the Army Contracts $85,440.00 Sub-Recipient
12 APAC-SOUTHEAST, INC (006900724) W9124G-08-D-0003 Department of the Army Contracts $427,617.80 $364,455.80 Prime
13 APAC-SOUTHEAST, INC. (006900724) W9124G-08-D-0003 Department of the Army Contracts $986,539.85 $803,399.76 Prime
14 Argo Properties LLP (024081213) 50908-02525S Department of the Army Contracts $19,058.00 Sub-Recipient
15 B&B Developers (624519711) 2361 0157 Department of the Army Contracts $660,300.00 Sub-Recipient
16 BARGANIER DAVIS SIMS ARCHITECTS ASSOCIATED PA (072102536) AC-06-C-0033-S Department of the Army Grants $347,650.00 Sub-Recipient
17 BARLOVENTO, L.L.C. (007742190) Holl-09-25459-001 0002 Department of the Army Contracts $156,913.00 Sub-Recipient
18 BARLOVENTO, L.L.C. (007742190) Holl-09-40161-001 0003 Department of the Army Contracts $306,356.00 Sub-Recipient
19 BARLOVENTO, L.L.C. (007742190) Holl-09-25463-001 0004 Department of the Army Contracts $145,115.68 Sub-Recipient
20 BASELINE CONSULTANTS, INC. (968866103) 8100003-002 Department of the Army Contracts $25,000.00 Sub-Recipient