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related to Recovery Act spending and allows for the reporting of potential fraud, waste, and abuse.

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Results Summary
Total Awards
Total Prime Recipient Award Amount
Number of Awards
Total Sub Recipient Award Amount
Number of Awards
Total Vendor Award Amount
Number of Awards
101 Contracts
0 Grants
0 Loans
sortRecipient (DUNS) Sorted Ascending
sortAward #sortOrder #sortAwarding
sortAward TypeAward
sortRecipient Role
1 AES DESIGN GROUP, INC, THE (847650223) SN09-032-2 0032 Department of the Navy Contracts $103,936.48 Sub-Recipient
2 AKAHI SERVICES, INC (148556707) 10005-5 0002 Department of the Navy Contracts $419,716.00 Sub-Recipient
3 AMEC - NAN JOINT VENTURE (830309527) N62742-09-D-1171 Department of the Navy Contracts $9,763,104.00 $0.00 Prime
4 AMEC ENVIRONMENT & INFRASTRUCTURE, INC. (042406418) N62742-09-D-1171-0001-AMEC 0001 Department of the Navy Contracts $859,680.00 Sub-Recipient
5 AMEC ENVIRONMENT & INFRASTRUCTURE, INC. (009643354) 10005-1 S 0002 Department of the Navy Contracts $43,000.00 Sub-Recipient
6 AMSEC LLC (072581718) N65236-07-D-8856 Department of the Navy Contracts $271,386.26 $271,386.26 Prime
7 AMSEC LLC (072581718) N65236-07-D-8856 Department of the Navy Contracts $371,131.39 $340,907.90 Prime
8 AMSEC LLC (072581718) N65236-07-D-8856 Department of the Navy Contracts $371,131.39 $340,907.90 Prime
9 ARCHITECTS HAWAII LTD. (048652671) N62478-08-D-5003 Department of the Navy Contracts $24,921.00 $24,921.00 Prime
10 ASSOCIATED STEEL WORKERS, LIMITED (050342054) 09-908/1403 0023 Department of the Navy Contracts $234,520.00 Sub-Recipient
11 BULLTRACK-WATTS, A JOINT VENTURE (790111731) N62478-09-C-1486 Department of the Navy Contracts $24,786,569.00 $5,111,074.38 Prime
12 COMMERCIAL ELECTRIC, INC. (059472167) 09018-8 Department of the Navy Contracts $63,554.00 Sub-Recipient
13 COMMERCIAL ROOFING & WATERPROOFING HAWAII, INC. (113226310) SN09-032-4 0032 Department of the Navy Contracts $158,687.00 Sub-Recipient
14 COMMERCIAL SHEETMETAL CO., INC. (046529764) 09018-25 Department of the Navy Contracts $58,643.00 Sub-Recipient
15 CONTROLPOINT SURVEYING, INC. (156854135) 0802032CPS 0026 Department of the Navy Contracts $4,657.17 Sub-Recipient
16 COST ENGINEERING OF HAWAII INC (113223697) 01CT1 0001 Department of the Navy Contracts $16,619.00 Sub-Recipient
17 COST ENGINEERING OF HAWAII INC (113223697) 0802031CEH 0026 Department of the Navy Contracts $820.00 Sub-Recipient
18 COST ENGINEERING OF HAWAII INC (113223697) 0802033CEH 0001 Department of the Navy Contracts $2,462.00 Sub-Recipient
19 DANILO D. LOPEZ ASSOCIATES, INC (156854176) N62742-07-D-0007-001003 Department of the Navy Contracts $57,924.00 $57,924.00 Prime
20 DAVID'S FENCING, INC. (069928323) 10005-6 0002 Department of the Navy Contracts $217,490.00 Sub-Recipient