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Results Summary
Total Awards
Total Prime Recipient Award Amount
Number of Awards
Total Sub Recipient Award Amount
Number of Awards
Total Vendor Award Amount
Number of Awards
24 Contracts
1 Grants
0 Loans
1page 2 
sortRecipient (DUNS) Sorted Ascending
sortAward #sortOrder #sortAwarding
sortAward TypeAward
sortRecipient Role
1 3rd Finish Carpentry Inc (034739073) S01014 Department of the Army Contracts $29,360.00 Sub-Recipient
2 7 RIVERS MECHANICAL LLC (966660875) S01005 Department of the Army Contracts $104,800.00 Sub-Recipient
3 ASCI CORPORATION (148038649) 9517-0025 L 0025 Department of the Army Contracts $10,650.00 Sub-Recipient
4 Birchwood Electric LLC (186520206) S01004 Department of the Army Contracts $78,305.36 Sub-Recipient
5 Breitbach Construction Co. (048153597) W912LM-09-2-9060 Department of the Army Grants $1,185,659.28 Vendor
6 Building Intelligence Group LLC (783777126) 2600950 Department of the Army Contracts $214,300.00 Sub-Recipient
7 CENTRAL MINNESOTA FABRICATING, INC. (064793524) 09110007-15 CL01 Department of the Army Contracts $1,073,974.00 Sub-Recipient
8 CM Construction Company, Inc. (805451143) W912LM-09-2-9060 Department of the Army Grants $55,252.82 Vendor
9 EVS, INC. (102286416) 606607400-31EVS 0016 Department of the Army Contracts $48,000.00 Sub-Recipient
10 GAUSMAN & MOORE ASSOCIATES, INC. (066518689) 606607400-31GM 0016 Department of the Army Contracts $155,832.00 Sub-Recipient
11 GAUSMAN & MOORE ASSOCIATES, INC. (066518689) 606607400-31GM 0012 Department of the Army Contracts $27,073.00 Sub-Recipient
12 Gopher State Contractors, Inc. (071344543) W912LM-09-2-9060 Department of the Army Grants $2,883,723.93 Vendor
13 GRAHAM CONSTRUCTION SERVICES, INC. (136659690) W9128F-09-C-0037 Department of the Army Contracts $19,594,291.00 $19,594,291.00 Prime
14 Hart Foundations, Inc. (805003092) S01015 Department of the Army Contracts $226,908.80 Sub-Recipient
15 JACOBS/SEH, A JOINT VENTURE (829782866) W912EK-09-D-0006-DD01 Department of the Army Contracts $1,988,659.69 $1,779,781.52 Prime
16 LIFETIME INSULATION LLC (040786082) S01013 Department of the Army Contracts $25,031.20 Sub-Recipient
17 Mathew Hall Lumber Co (023016058) S01016 Department of the Army Contracts $141,807.60 Sub-Recipient
18 MILITARY AFFAIRS, MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF (805336823) W912LM-09-2-9060 Department of the Army Grants $5,593,743.00 $5,593,743.00 Prime
19 Minnkota Architectural Prod. Co. (878065325) 094700925001 Department of the Army Contracts $318,733.00 Sub-Recipient
20 NUAIRE, INC. (059036632) 77013-17 0013 Department of the Army Contracts $119,794.00 Sub-Recipient
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