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Results Summary
Total Awards
Total Prime Recipient Award Amount
Number of Awards
Total Sub Recipient Award Amount
Number of Awards
Total Vendor Award Amount
Number of Awards
3 Contracts
19 Grants
0 Loans
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sortRecipient (DUNS) Sorted Ascending
sortAward #sortOrder #sortAwarding
sortAward TypeAward
sortRecipient Role
1 CATHOLIC CHARITIES OF ST. LOUIS (123250607) 547600004 Department of Homeland Security Grants $71,053.00 Sub-Recipient
2 CATHOLIC CHARITIES OF ST. LOUIS (123250607) 551600010 Department of Homeland Security Grants $33,220.00 Sub-Recipient
3 CENTRAL TERRITORIAL OF THE SALVATION ARMY (848367798) 547600030 Department of Homeland Security Grants $28,586.00 Sub-Recipient
4 CMS COMMUNICATIONS INC. (152055877) HSCG79-10-F-AAR-182 Department of Homeland Security Contracts $32,549.66 $32,549.66 Prime
5 COMM ACTION AG OF ST. LOUIS CTY, INC. (071985667) 547600048 Department of Homeland Security Grants $37,674.00 Sub-Recipient
6 FULTON, CITY OF (INC) (086818200) EMW-2009-FC-00493R Department of Homeland Security Grants $1,265,487.00 $1,265,487.00 Prime
7 Glovecon Inc (794343269) EMW-2009-FC-00493R Department of Homeland Security Grants $1,245,487.00 Vendor
8 HARVESTERS - THE COMMUNITY FOOD NETWORK (167046432) 525800011 Department of Homeland Security Grants $122,757.00 Sub-Recipient
9 KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI, CITY OF (139138809) HSTS04-09-H-REC311 Department of Homeland Security Grants $9,354,288.35 $9,354,288.35 Prime
10 KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI, CITY OF (073134231) EMW-2009-FC-05790R Department of Homeland Security Grants $2,030,000.00 $2,030,000.00 Prime
11 KENNEDY ASSOCIATES/ARCHITECTS, INC. (027158484) 3 0020055102 Department of Homeland Security Contracts $26,000.00 Sub-Recipient
12 M V M, INC. (038049532) HSCEC6-08-D-00001 Department of Homeland Security Contracts $110,050.65 $110,050.65 Prime
13 MAPAVILLE FIRE DEPT (958883753) EMW-2009-FC-00757R Department of Homeland Security Grants $925,363.00 $925,363.00 Prime
14 MID AMERICA ASSISTANCE COALITION (150944064) 525800006 Department of Homeland Security Grants $106,881.00 Sub-Recipient
15 OZARKS AREA COMMUNITY ACTION CORPORATION (076266576) 526916002 Department of Homeland Security Grants $26,605.00 Sub-Recipient
16 ST LOUIS AREA FOOD BANK INC (150410413) 538200004 Department of Homeland Security Grants $37,431.00 Sub-Recipient
17 ST LOUIS AREA FOOD BANK INC (150410413) 547600009 Department of Homeland Security Grants $38,447.00 Sub-Recipient
18 ST LOUIS, CITY OF (125899567) HSTS04-10-H-REC130 Department of Homeland Security Grants $3,100,176.00 $3,100,176.00 Prime
19 ST LOUIS, CITY OF (125899567) HSTS04-10-H-REC133 Department of Homeland Security Grants $28,874,942.00 $28,874,942.00 Prime
20 ST. LOUIS DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION (095493821) 2009-PU-R1-0372 Department of Homeland Security Grants $334,950.00 $334,950.00 Prime
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