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USGS - science for a changing world


Acid Rain, Atmospheric Deposition, and Precipitation Chemistry

picture of twirling vines in rain forest picture of water on rust dripping down picture of bluish abstract reflection in water picture of rain dripping in shallow water with granite bottom


USGS Measures Fallout from Fukushima in U.S. NADP Precipitation Samples

USGS and the National Atmospheric Deposition Program (NADP) networks measured fission-product isotopes in the U.S. from the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear power facility atmospheric release incidents, which occurred March 12 and 14, 2011 near Sendai, Japan.  This project added to the body of knowledge about radioactive fallout from the March 12-14, 2011 incident and exhibited the capabilities of the USGS and NADP to respond to an unexpected atmospheric release. Details and publications on the results are now available at

USGS Scientists Lead and Contribute to Major Report To Congress on Acid Rain

USGS scientists Douglas Burns and Jill Baron led and contributed to a major report to Congress released January 19, 2012 on the effects of acid rain on sensitive ecosystems and progress towards minimizing those impacts in the United States. A summary and copy of the full report is now available at:


The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is the lead federal agency for the monitoring of wet atmospheric deposition (chemical constituents deposited from the atmosphere via rain, sleet, and snow) in the United States. The USGS atmospheric deposition program provides: 1) participation and leadership in the National Atmospheric Deposition Program (NADP) and 2) scientific research and assessment to evaluate trends and the effects of atmospheric deposition on aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems.

      image of fact sheet Atmospheric Deposition Program, U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet, 2000, 112-00: 27:36

National Atmospheric Deposition Program (NADP)
The NADP monitors wet atmospheric deposition at approximately 300 locations  throughout the United States. The USGS supports 76 of the roughly 250 NADP National Trends Network sites which measure acidity, nutrients and other major ions in precipitation. The USGS also supports 6 of the approximately 100 sites in the NADP Mercury Deposition Network which measure total and methyl mercury in precipitation. A fundamental NADP program objective is to provide scientists, resource managers and policy-makers world-wide with a long-term, high-quality database of atmospheric deposition to support research and decision-making in the areas of air quality, water quality, agricultural effects, forest productivity, materials effects, ecosystem studies, watershed studies, and human health.

NTN map
NADP - National Trends Network (2009)
NADP - Mercury Deposition Network (2009)

red dots = USGS supported sites
black dots = Other sites

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Page Last Modified: 02/09/2012